Saturday, September 26, 2009

First Five Weeks

We are officially open, whether we are ready or not! We have worked with over 608 students last week during class research. 8th Grade is working with Colonial American occupations and Mr. Kreiger's 6th grade classes are researching countries in South America to make a travel brochure PPT.

We have checked out over 2100 books so far this year, and saw all 865 students for orientation. In the last two weeks, we have seen over 80 students each morning during HOWL time. We're exhausted, but happy!

Ms. Ennis, Ms. Hopkins and I are thrilled that you are as excited as we are to work in the media center. I have worked very hard over the last two years building a quality collection that would serve our middle school needs and interests.

Books YOU requested are on our shelves and in the hands of your friends! Thanks for being a big part of our learning hub at WMS. We continue to be happy to serve your needs this year.

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