Friday, December 3, 2010

Winter 2010-2011

Our media center has been buzzing with activity this year!
Our 6th Grade explored Elements of Fiction through writing
their own picture book, used SAS in Schools Technology to write
a short story, researched ancient Greece,and participated in Book Passes
in various themes.

Our 7th Grade have selected novels for book reports, researched Middle
Eastern Conflict using a Pathfinder and writing their problem/solution
paper on the topic.

8th Grade learned about a Colonial Trade through extensive research and
discovered hands-on non-fiction elements through interactive stations.

Our school-wide literacy initiative is moving ahead with lots of staff
on reading, vocabulary and writing strategies. We are training
our staff to be highly qualified teachers who employ instructional technologies
for engaging, 21st Century lessons. So far this year, teachers have gotten
instruction or refreshers on SAS in Schools, Destiny OPAC, Today's Meet chat tool and SMARTboard training for our classroom SMARTboards. Every room has one now!

We just started a new method of getting books into the hands of our students.
Students in all grade levels visit our media center at least once each three weeks
to have access to text they choose. We share our reading experiences through
Destiny's rating system, displays and signs. Currently, our staff members are displaying "What I Am Reading" signs throughout the building. The idea is to share
great books and other forms of text with out students, showing them that literacy
lasts a lifetime!

Our Battle of the Books team is in full-swing, hoping to raise our
performance standing a few more notches this year! We are reading and
creating questions, then using technology to dig deeper. During our last
meeting, students used remote responders to answer questions about five
of the books on our list. We will be working with Voice Thread to summarize
stories after the winter break.

The Stage Crew has gotten their introduction to the audio and video equipment in our gorgeous auditorium. We will continue working toward the goal of working independently and effeciently to produce and broadcast in-school events.

We are excited to welcome 6th and 8th grade in December to explore the Middle
Ages and the world's Oceans through research and project-based learning. We have
guest speakers planned to talk about sound and technologies of video games. What
will January bring to our media center?

Monday, August 9, 2010


Welcome to the 2010-2011 School year!

We have more students than ever this year and look forward to the challenge of serving everyone with great books, excellent resources and fun activities.

We exist to support staff and students by providing and supporting resources for your curriculum. We have tens of thousands of print and online resources to provide quality information tools for staff and students. Remember that the librarian does not own the library, the patrons do!

We need support!

Do you enjoy learning new technologies? Do you want to be involved in planning our school’s direction toward 21st Century Teaching and Learning? Do you love to read? Please consider helping out by volunteering. We need support for our Battle of the Books team, the Media Technology Advisory Committee, event planning and organization needs.

We can help.

Do you need help finding that just-right print or online resource for your project? Do you need advice on how to start that overwhelming project you were just handed? We use the Big 6! Research Method at WMS to help you get organized easily. You can start with a simple e-mail to, or just stop by the media center to ask for help!

Don’t forget print.

With millions of online options, many often do not realize that quality information can be found in minutes within the pages of a book. I am an expert in determining with efficiency whether print or electronic resources will match your needs.


Within the first two weeks of school, we need to get all students through the media center for an orientation. You will receive your network login, blackboard login, barcode and learn all the policies for using the media center. We will plan this through the language arts programs.


I am the school webmaster. If you need information posted on our site, please send details via e-mail. PDF files work best. I usually update over the weekend. I will not be offended if you find any mistakes – I would much rather correct them!

Policy Stuff

Our library media center is here to support our learning community. We are not a lounge or baby-sitting service. Please be sure ALL students have their own agenda, signed by a teacher, to enter the media center. Students will keep pertinent information in their agendas, including the barcode used for circulation and userid/passwords. They will punch a time clock upon entry and exit to track movement in the building.

We have lots of 21st Century Tools for classroom learning: wireless tablets, Smartboards, RF remote responders, digital video and still cameras and document cameras. Students must have parents sign a waiver before they can check out cameras - these are same-day checkouts. Laptop carts are available on each floor. Students are held to Policy 6446 and are accountable for damage from misuse. Students are required to stay on task, or will lose their computer privileges at WMS.

Monday, February 22, 2010

February and March

We are hopping in the media center! I had a great interactive lesson with Mr. Krieger's 6th grade classes using the SMARTboard and document camera to learn about primary resources from Library of Congress on the Dust Bowl. We learned about Dorothea Lange and John Steinbeck's work with the FSA and some of the causes of the great American tragedy.
All 6th grade Language Arts classes had a fun outing to North Hills Theatre to see The Lightning Thief, thanks to the efforts of Ms. Kent for reserving the theatre just for us! We all learned how Hollywood puts their own twist on literature!
We will have a Percy Jackson learning event in the media center as the culminating activity. We will have six stations such as: Medusa freeze tag, Greek Art Center, Reader's Theater, Ambrosia and Nectar refreshment center and online activities. We will have such fun with our costume contest!
The next day is the launch of our spring book fair, "All You Can Read". Our student crew is working diligently to produce a whirlwind 1950's event, including a talent show on Thursday, March 4 at 6:30PM and our very own book fair sock hop in the cafe' on Thursday, March 11th at 7PM.
The show must go on, however. I am teaching inference through reading "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" to Ms. Craig's 6th grade classes. They will also have an opportunity to see Charlie Chaplin's silent films to learn about making inferences.
Ms. Nunn's classes will choose their own books for their next reading unit. Non-fiction and graphic novels are a "novel" choice in this upcoming book pass lesson.
Mr. Krieger's classes will see the hundreds of choices we have in World War II print materials, choosing their very favorites to read on their own!

What a busy and exciting month we have ahead. Stop by for our community events and pick up a copy of YOUR favorite book!

Ms. Ennis will take a winning team to our first Battle of the Books competition in the history of Wendell Middle. Our competitors have been reading diligently to make their mark in WCPSS middle school history. Go team!

Check back to our blogspot regularly to see new and exciting learning events coming up this year.